sexta-feira, 23 de abril de 2010

He had it coming

Now, although Caius [Calígula] had sometimes put on women's clothes, and had been wrapped in some embroidered garments to them belonging, and done a great many other things, in order to make the company mistake him for a woman; yet did he, by way of reproach, attribute the like womanish behavior to Cherea.

Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, XIX, 30. The New and Complete Works of Josephus, William Whiston (trad.), Paul Meyer (com.), Kregel, 1999.

[Cássio Quereia serviu como centurião no exército, sob o comando do pai de Calígula, Germânico, e tornou-se mais tarde guarda do pretório. É ele o responsável pelo assassinato de Calígula, em 41.]

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